SAVE THE DATE! Ribbon Cutting & Reopening Celebration Set for August 29th

It's been a challenging few months for businesses and individuals across Canada, and around the world. The challenge is far from over, but we have been more fortunate that many and are so thankful for that. 

One of the hardest days for us was Saturday April 4th. This was the day we had planned to have our Fergus Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting. As it turned out, we were in lock down and getting prepared to begin offering local porch deliveries. Hardly the opening we had planned for months ahead of time.

Thanks to the support and determination of our communities, customers and our team, we are still here and we are open for business. That is not the case for many businesses and we have decided to celebrate! It won't be the big party we had originally envisaged, but with thought and collaboration we are excited to mark our opening in Fergus!

There will be some COVID-safe activities, promotions, draws and demonstrations. More details will be released in the coming weeks, and we hope to see you there!

To all of you who have been part of keeping our doors open, thank you. 

-- Chris, Stephanie, Cassandra and the Brighten Up Team

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