Another Year of Supporting Local Toy Drives - Thanks to YOU!

It's time for one of my favourite posts of the year!!!!

We want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported our local toy drives this year at Brighten Up! We love organizing these important initiatives, and especially enjoyed the 'Pictures with Santa' held in both Erin and Fergus to support this cause.

In Erin, we collected over $3300 in gift cards and new, unwrapped toys & games for the East Wellington Community Services Toy Drive!

In Fergus, we collected over $5200 in gift cards and new, unwrapped toys & games for the Big Brothers, Big Sisters Angel Tree!

These incredible organizations provide support and resources for those in need in our communities. We are proud to support them with our Toy Drive initiatives, and throughout the year. We couldn't do it without you!

PLEASE NOTE: we can continue to accept donations for our drives, as there is a need for gifts for children in need throughout the year. 

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